
Mountain Weather Forecast

Issued: 2:41 PM PST Saturday, March 23, 2024
by Robert Hahn

Jump to: Weather Forecast I Snow/Freezing Level I Precipitation I Free Winds 5k I Free Winds 9k I Extended Weather

Weather Synopsis for Saturday night through Monday

A closed low off the Oregon coast maintains continues to drift off the Oregon coast. To the north of the low, a broad E-W band of precipitation developed on Saturday and continued across northern Washington into the afternoon. It has stalled just south of the Canadian border. The associated precipitation should become mostly light and decrease for Mt Baker, the Mountain Loop, and Washington Pass areas in the evening. As the upper low begins to drift southeastward overnight, the deformation band tilts SW-NE and follows the low. This should quickly ramp down lingering precipitation for Washington Pass and Mt Baker overnight, with a period of light rain and snow shifting from the Mountain loop south to Mt Rainier by morning. Precipitation mostly ends in the central Washington Cascades early Sunday morning, with lingering more showery precipitation for the southern Washington Cascades and Mt Hood areas as flow aloft becomes more northerly.

A shortwave ridge moves over the area Sunday evening, followed by a series of disturbances and very subtle troughs. Expect increasing light rain showers Sunday night through Monday with diffluent flow not conducive to more than weakly organized fronts. Snow levels should be in the 3000-4000 ft range and light W winds increasing into the light to moderate range by Monday.


Weather Forecast

Saturday Night Decreasing light rain and snow showers focusing on the northern Olympics.
Mostly sunny skies in the morning, with isolated rain and snow showers amidst partly to mostly cloudy skies in the afternoon.
West North
Saturday Night Decreasing light rain and snow showers, possibly ending after midnight.
Mostly sunny skies with a few popcorn clouds in the afternoon.
West Central
Saturday Night Light rain and snow shifting from north to south.
Decreasing light rain and snow showers. Mostly cloudy in the morning with more sun than clouds in the afternoon.
West South
Saturday Night Light rain and snow showers.
Decreasing light rain and snow showers. Mostly cloudy in the morning with partly cloudy skies in the afternoon.
Stevens Pass
Saturday Night Increasing periods of light rain and snow. Light ridgeline and W wind at the Pass.
Isolated light rain or snow showers, mainly in the morning. Mostly cloudy in the morning with more sun than clouds in the afternoon.
Snoqualmie Pass
Saturday Night Increasing periods of light rain and snow. Light ridgeline and W wind at the Pass.
Isolated light rain or snow showers, mainly in the morning. Mostly cloudy in the morning with more sun than clouds in the afternoon. Light to moderate ridgeline and light W wind at the Pass.
East North
Saturday Night Decreasing light rain and snow tapering or ending by morning.
Partly cloudy to mostly sunny skies.
East Central
Saturday Night Mostly cloudy with a few light rain and snow showers.
Isolated light rain and snow showers. Mostly cloudy skies to start the day, giving way to more sun than clouds by the afternoon.
East South
Saturday Night Mostly cloudy with a few light rain and snow showers.
Isolated light rain and snow showers. Mostly cloudy skies to start the day, giving way to more sun than clouds by the afternoon.
Mt. Hood
Saturday Night Clouds banked against the west slopes of Mt Hood with light rain and snow showers.
Mostly cloudy with light rain and snow showers, locally more intense in the afternoon.

Snow/Freezing Level (ft)

Hurricane Ridge Mt. Baker Washington Pass Leavenworth Stevens Pass Snoqualmie Pass Mt. Rainier, Crystal & White Pass Mt. Hood
Saturday Evening Snow Level None' None' None' None' 4000' 4000' None' 4500'
Saturday Night Snow Level None' None' None' None' 4000' 4000' None' 3500'
Sunday Morning Snow Level None' None' None' None' 3500' 4000' None' 3500'
Sunday Afternoon Snow Level None' None' None' None' 4500' 4000' None' 3500'
Sunday Evening Snow Level None' None' None' None' 4500' 4000' None' 4500'
Sunday Night Snow Level None' None' None' None' 3000' 3500' None' 3500'
Monday Morning Snow Level None' None' None' None' 3000' 3000' None' 3000'
Hurricane Ridge Elevation
Saturday Evening Snow Level
Saturday Night Snow Level
Sunday Morning Snow Level
Sunday Afternoon Snow Level
Sunday Evening Snow Level
Sunday Night Snow Level
Monday Morning Snow Level
Monday Afternoon Snow Level
Mt. Baker Elevation
Saturday Evening Snow Level
Saturday Night Snow Level
Sunday Morning Snow Level
Sunday Afternoon Snow Level
Sunday Evening Snow Level
Sunday Night Snow Level
Monday Morning Snow Level
Monday Afternoon Snow Level
Washington Pass Elevation
Saturday Evening Snow Level
Saturday Night Snow Level
Sunday Morning Snow Level
Sunday Afternoon Snow Level
Sunday Evening Snow Level
Sunday Night Snow Level
Monday Morning Snow Level
Monday Afternoon Snow Level
Leavenworth Elevation
Saturday Evening Snow Level
Saturday Night Snow Level
Sunday Morning Snow Level
Sunday Afternoon Snow Level
Sunday Evening Snow Level
Sunday Night Snow Level
Monday Morning Snow Level
Monday Afternoon Snow Level
Stevens Pass Elevation
Saturday Evening Snow Level
Saturday Night Snow Level
Sunday Morning Snow Level
Sunday Afternoon Snow Level
Sunday Evening Snow Level
Sunday Night Snow Level
Monday Morning Snow Level
Monday Afternoon Snow Level
Snoqualmie Pass Elevation
Saturday Evening Snow Level
Saturday Night Snow Level
Sunday Morning Snow Level
Sunday Afternoon Snow Level
Sunday Evening Snow Level
Sunday Night Snow Level
Monday Morning Snow Level
Monday Afternoon Snow Level
Mt. Rainier & Crystal Elevation
Saturday Evening Snow Level
Saturday Night Snow Level
Sunday Morning Snow Level
Sunday Afternoon Snow Level
Sunday Evening Snow Level
Sunday Night Snow Level
Monday Morning Snow Level
Monday Afternoon Snow Level
Mt. Hood Elevation
Saturday Evening Snow Level
Saturday Night Snow Level
Sunday Morning Snow Level
Sunday Afternoon Snow Level
Sunday Evening Snow Level
Sunday Night Snow Level
Monday Morning Snow Level
Monday Afternoon Snow Level

* Easterly flow in the Cascade Passes can cause locally lower Snow or Freezing levels than areas further west.
Freezing Level is when no precipitation is forecast.

Precipitation Forecast

Saturday Night Sunday Sunday Night Monday
5 pm - 5 am 5 am - 5 pm 5 pm - 5 am 5 am - 5 pm
Hurricane Ridge 0.25 0 0 LT 0.10
Mt Baker Ski Area LT 0.25 0 0 LT 0.25
Mt. Loop - Barlow Pass LT 0.25 0 LT 0.10 LT 0.25
Stevens Pass LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.25
Snoqualmie Pass LT 0.25 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10
Crystal Mt LT 0.10 LT 0.25 LT 0.10 LT 0.10
Paradise LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10
White Pass LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10
Washington Pass LT 0.25 0 0 LT 0.10
Mission Ridge LT 0.10 LT 0.10 0 0
Salmon la Sac - Gallagher Head LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10
Tieton River - Darland Mt. LT 0.10 LT 0.10 LT 0.10 0
Mt Hood Meadows LT 0.10 LT 0.25 LT 0.25 LT 0.25
LT 0.10 LT 0.25 0.25 LT 0.25
Hurricane Ridge Precipitation Forecast
Saturday Night 0.25
Sunday 0
Sunday Night 0
Monday LT 0.10
Mt Baker Ski Area Precipitation Forecast
Saturday Night LT 0.25
Sunday 0
Sunday Night 0
Monday LT 0.25
Mt. Loop - Barlow Pass Precipitation Forecast
Saturday Night LT 0.25
Sunday 0
Sunday Night LT 0.10
Monday LT 0.25
Stevens Pass Precipitation Forecast
Saturday Night LT 0.10
Sunday LT 0.10
Sunday Night LT 0.10
Monday LT 0.25
Snoqualmie Pass Precipitation Forecast
Saturday Night LT 0.25
Sunday LT 0.10
Sunday Night LT 0.10
Monday LT 0.10
Crystal Mt Precipitation Forecast
Saturday Night LT 0.10
Sunday LT 0.25
Sunday Night LT 0.10
Monday LT 0.10
Paradise Precipitation Forecast
Saturday Night LT 0.10
Sunday LT 0.10
Sunday Night LT 0.10
Monday LT 0.10
White Pass Precipitation Forecast
Saturday Night LT 0.10
Sunday LT 0.10
Sunday Night LT 0.10
Monday LT 0.10
Washington Pass Precipitation Forecast
Saturday Night LT 0.25
Sunday 0
Sunday Night 0
Monday LT 0.10
Mission Ridge Precipitation Forecast
Saturday Night LT 0.10
Sunday LT 0.10
Sunday Night 0
Monday 0
Salmon la Sac - Gallagher Head Precipitation Forecast
Saturday Night LT 0.10
Sunday LT 0.10
Sunday Night LT 0.10
Monday LT 0.10
Tieton River - Darland Mt. Precipitation Forecast
Saturday Night LT 0.10
Sunday LT 0.10
Sunday Night LT 0.10
Monday 0
Mt Hood Meadows Precipitation Forecast
Saturday Night LT 0.10
Sunday LT 0.25
Sunday Night LT 0.25
Monday LT 0.25
Timberline Precipitation Forecast
Saturday Night LT 0.10
Sunday LT 0.25
Sunday Night 0.25
Monday LT 0.25

Free Winds at 5000' (mph)

Hurricane Ridge Mt. Baker Stevens to Snoqualmie Pass Mt. Rainier Mt. Hood
Saturday Evening --- None - None --- None - None --- None - None --- None - None WSW None - None
Saturday Night --- None - None --- None - None --- None - None --- None - None W None - None
Sunday Morning --- None - None --- None - None --- None - None --- None - None W None - None
Hurricane Ridge Elevation
Saturday Evening --- None - None
Saturday Night --- None - None
Sunday Morning --- None - None
Sunday Afternoon --- None - None
Mt. Baker Elevation
Saturday Evening --- None - None
Saturday Night --- None - None
Sunday Morning --- None - None
Sunday Afternoon --- None - None
Stevens and Snoqualmie Pass Elevation
Saturday Evening --- None - None
Saturday Night --- None - None
Sunday Morning --- None - None
Sunday Afternoon --- None - None
Mt. Rainier Elevation
Saturday Evening --- None - None
Saturday Night --- None - None
Sunday Morning --- None - None
Sunday Afternoon --- None - None
Mt. Hood Elevation
Saturday Evening WSW None - None
Saturday Night W None - None
Sunday Morning W None - None
Sunday Afternoon W None - None
Hurricane Ridge Direction - Speed
Saturday Evening --- None - None
Saturday Night --- None - None
Sunday Morning --- None - None
Sunday Afternoon --- None - None
Mt. Baker Direction - Speed
Saturday Evening --- None - None
Saturday Night --- None - None
Sunday Morning --- None - None
Sunday Afternoon --- None - None
Stevens and Snoqualmie Pass Direction - Speed
Saturday Evening --- None - None
Saturday Night --- None - None
Sunday Morning --- None - None
Sunday Afternoon --- None - None
Mt. Rainier Direction - Speed
Saturday Evening --- None - None
Saturday Night --- None - None
Sunday Morning --- None - None
Sunday Afternoon --- None - None
Mt. Hood Direction - Speed
Saturday Evening WSW None - None
Saturday Night W None - None
Sunday Morning W None - None
Sunday Afternoon W None - None

Directions above indicate the direction the wind blows from on the 16-point cardinal scale. These winds indicate "free" winds, or those winds in the atmosphere not influenced by terrain. Topographical effects may produce greater or lower wind speeds in certain locations as well as significant variations in direction.

Free Winds at 9000' (mph)

Mt. Baker Washington Pass Stevens to Snoqualmie Pass Mt. Rainier Mt. Hood
Saturday Evening --- None - None --- None - None --- None - None --- None - None --- None - None
Saturday Night --- None - None --- None - None --- None - None --- None - None --- None - None
Sunday Morning --- None - None --- None - None --- None - None --- None - None --- None - None
Mt. Baker Direction - Speed
Saturday Evening --- None - None
Saturday Night --- None - None
Sunday Morning --- None - None
Sunday Afternoon --- None - None
Washington Pass Direction - Speed
Saturday Evening --- None - None
Saturday Night --- None - None
Sunday Morning --- None - None
Sunday Afternoon --- None - None
Stevens and Snoqualmie Pass Direction - Speed
Saturday Evening --- None - None
Saturday Night --- None - None
Sunday Morning --- None - None
Sunday Afternoon --- None - None
Mt. Rainier Direction - Speed
Saturday Evening --- None - None
Saturday Night --- None - None
Sunday Morning --- None - None
Sunday Afternoon --- None - None
Mt. Hood Direction - Speed
Saturday Evening --- None - None
Saturday Night --- None - None
Sunday Morning --- None - None
Sunday Afternoon --- None - None

Extended Weather Synopsis for Monday night through Wednesday

The pattern continues with weak disturbances, however, a bit of ridging offshore turns the flow more WNWerly. The ridge shifts over the area Tuesday evening and SSW flow increases overnight ahead of the next system. A deeper low slowly moves into the PNW offshore waters on Wednesday, with a moderately strong frontal system bringing moderate winds and rain/snow. Temperatures should be near seasonal norms.

Extended Snow/Freezing Levels

Mt. Baker Snoqualmie Pass Mt. Hood Easterly Flow *
Monday Night Snow Level None' - None' None' - None' None' - None'
Tuesday Snow Level None' - None' None' - None' None' - None'
Tuesday Night Snow Level None' - None' None' - None' None' - None'
Mt. Baker Elevation
Monday Night Snow Level
None' - None'
Tuesday Snow Level
None' - None'
Tuesday Night Snow Level
None' - None'
Wednesday Snow Level
None' - None'
Snoqualmie Pass Elevation
Monday Night Snow Level
None' - None'
Tuesday Snow Level
None' - None'
Tuesday Night Snow Level
None' - None'
Wednesday Snow Level
None' - None'
Mt. Hood Elevation
Monday Night Snow Level
None' - None'
Tuesday Snow Level
None' - None'
Tuesday Night Snow Level
None' - None'
Wednesday Snow Level
None' - None'

* Easterly flow in the Cascade Passes can cause locally lower Snow or Freezing levels than areas further west.
Freezing Level is when no precipitation is forecast.

Jump to: Weather Forecast I Snow/Freezing Level I Precipitation I Free Winds 5k I Free Winds 9k I Extended Weather

Previous forecast from March 23, 2024

The NWAC program is administered by the USDA-Forest Service and operates from the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Seattle. NWAC services are made possible by important collaboration and support from a wide variety of federal, state and private cooperators.