
NWAC Photo Archive

Avalanche Photos for the 2006 / 2007 Season
Northwest Weather and Avalanche Center
These photos were taken either by NWAC staff or by contributors in the area indicated. All images are copyrighted and should not be used without permission of the photographers. If you wish to contribute relevant avalanche related photos, we will try to post them within a day or two of submission (earlier if possible). In order to expedite the posting process, please prepare your photos as jpeg files around 100K as a compressed file size and about 450 pixels on their longest dimension. Also, if possible please caption the photo using the "metadata" of the file or send related info in the email. By emailing photos to the NWAC, we assume that we have your permission to post them unless indicated otherwise. Please e-mail photos to
Date Location and Photographer
Mar 13 2007 Avalanches and WSDOT avalanche crew on SR20 below Cutthroat Ridge, Liberty Bell in background by Mike Stanford
Mar 13 2007 N Wa Cascades--Avalanches and WSDOT avalanche crew on SR20 below Cutthroat Ridge by Mike Stanford
Mar 13 2007 Blue Peak, N Cascades, Rain triggered slide to mid-Feb crust on 3-10 or 3-11 by Larry Goldie
Mar 13 2007 Close-up of Blue Peak slab, running on mid-Feb crust 3-10 by Larry Goldie
Mar 13 2007 Liberty Bell Slide path, just E of Washington Pass by Mike Stanford
Mar 13 2007 Snow roller, N WA Cascades--lower density snow probably fell out of middle by Mike Stanford
Jan 28 2007 Mt Hermann, N Cascades, S aspect, climax close-up by Jeremy Allyn
Jan 28 2007 Mt Hermann, N Cascades, S aspect, warming and sun induced climax by Jeremy Allyn
Jan 28 2007 ,Table Mtn, N Cascades, N aspect, cornice triggered soft slab by Jeremy Allyn
Jan 28 2007 ,Table Mtn, N Cascades, S aspect, melt-glide triggered climax by Jeremy Allyn
Jan 28 2007 Table Mtn, N Cascades, W aspect, small warming released soft slab by Jeremy Allyn
Jan 20 2007 Skier triggered slab in Tye Bowl, Stevens Pass, N-central Wa Cascades by Oyvind Henningsen