
NWAC Photo Archive

Avalanche Photos for the 2008 / 2009 Season
Northwest Weather and Avalanche Center
These photos were taken either by NWAC staff or by contributors in the area indicated. All images are copyrighted and should not be used without permission of the photographers. If you wish to contribute relevant avalanche related photos, we will try to post them within a day or two of submission (earlier if possible). In order to expedite the posting process, please prepare your photos as jpeg files around 100K as a compressed file size and about 450 pixels on their longest dimension. Also, if possible please caption the photo using the "metadata" of the file or send related info in the email. By emailing photos to the NWAC, we assume that we have your permission to post them unless indicated otherwise. Please e-mail photos to
Date Location and Photographer
Jun 16 2009 Hannegan Trail avalanche debris at base of large avalanche path by WTA
Jun 16 2009 Hannegan Trail Avalanche Debris between Mamie Pass and Granite Mt by WTA
May 15 2009 Snowking Mt, SE slope natural slab in progress by Eli Rosenberg
May 01 2009 Avalanche debris field, Table Mt near Mt Baker by Cheri Baird
Apr 08 2009 Washington Pass Cutthroat Ridge natural avalanche debris on SR20 by Mike Stanford
Apr 07 2009 Mt Rainier, East flank of Paradise Glacier, 6500 ft by M. Viele
Apr 07 2009 Pyramid Peak east exposure slab by M. Viele
Apr 07 2009 South central WA Cascades_east end of Tatoosh Range, N exposure at 6700 ft by M. Viele
Apr 07 2009 West flank Carbon Glacier, NE aspect at 6700 ft by M. Viele
Mar 25 2009 Table Mt near Mt Baker by Grant Gunderson
Mar 25 2009 Stevens Pass WA on US 2--more avalanche control results on Old Faithful Avalanche Path by Mike Stanford
Mar 25 2009 Stevens Pass WA--Post storm control results on Old Faithful Avalanche Path by Mike Stanford
Mar 21 2009 N WA Cascades--Long running fracture line on Shuksan Arm by Lief Hazelet
Mar 20 2009 Rumble Gully debris field below Shuksan Arm_Mt Baker back country, N WA Cascades by Amy Trowbridge
Mar 20 2009 Northern WA Cascades--Table Mt fracture lines in Mt Baker back country by Amy Trowbridge
Mar 18 2009 Long running Table Mt fracture lines, Mt Baker back country by Amy Trowbridge
Feb 28 2009 South central Cascades, Crystal Mtn, Bullion Basin avalanche by Jeremy Allyn
Feb 27 2009 Table Mt near Mt Baker --Amid a sea of traverses a small slab is triggered by William Tyler
Feb 27 2009 Crystal Mt--small slab in north back country by Chris Morin
Feb 26 2009 Long slab in White River Canyon near Mt Hood Meadows--Timberline chairlift in background by Nicholi Stoyanoff
Feb 24 2009 Crystal Mtn Avalanche Basin avalanches, explosive control by Chris Morin
Feb 23 2009 N WA Cascades--snow donut just off Hwy 542 by Tyson geBauer
Jan 26 2009 Shuksan Arm, near Mt Baker--large slide released during Jan 6 rain event by Amy Trowbridge
Jan 22 2009 E slopes central WA Cascades--Mission ridge ski area through snow donut by Taylor Everett
Jan 22 2009 Aging Mission Ridge Ski Area Snow Donut by Taylor Everett
Jan 10 2009 Central WA Cascades near Stevens Pass--large slab in trees, Wenatchee Bowl by Dan Veenhuizen
Jan 09 2009 E Slopes N WA Cascades, slide on west summit of Silver Star by Larry Goldie
Jan 09 2009 Hyak avalanche photo taken from damaged cabins by John Stimberis
Jan 09 2009 East side N WA Cascades, Varden Ridge climax avalanche by Larry Goldie
Jan 09 2009 NE WA Cascades, 1.8 m natural slab release near tree line by Larry Goldie
Jan 09 2009 NE WA Cascades, wet loose slide to ground by Larry Goldie
Jan 07 2009 Snoqualmie Pass, WA--damage from slush flow avalanche on I-90 by Craig Wilbour
Jan 07 2009 Slush flow avalanche I-90 near Denny Mtn by Craig Wilbour
Jan 07 2009 Snoqualmie Pass, WA--Hyak ski area slide at Snoq Pass, lift towers destroyed, cabins damaged by Don Whitehouse
Jan 07 2009 Hyak ski area slide impacting cabins by Don Whitehouse
Jan 06 2009 N WA Cascades, Mt Excelsior slide across Highway 542 by Grant Gunderson
Jan 04 2009 Post 6 inch rain natural, close-up, White River Cyn, Mt Hood, OR by N T Stoyanoff
Jan 04 2009 Following 6 inches of rain this natural slide occurred in White River Cyn, Mt Hood, OR by N T Stoyanoff
Dec 13 2008 Snoq Pass WSDOT study plot, What a difference a day makes by Craig Wilbour
Dec 13 2008 Snoqualmie Pass, WA--Lee Redden WSDOT showing early season shear at 6 inches by Craig Wilbour
Dec 12 2008 Start of winter 2008_Snoqualmie Pass, WA by Craig Wilbour
Dec 12 2008 WSDOT Snoqualmie Pass Study Plot as winter 2008 starts at the 3000 ft level by Craig Wilbour